cvs commit: ports/devel/avr-libc Makefile

Joerg Wunsch j at
Mon May 19 07:00:49 PDT 2003

As Alexander Leidinger wrote:

> People which don't care about some few percent more performance
> don't need the default CPUTYPE, those who care will figure out how
> to do it.

That's exactly my point.  Heck, when the default kernel was released
of the burden to still support 80386 CPUs (where it was known that a
kernel that must support these CPUs is less efficient than one that
can concentrate on 80486+), the overall "make world" speedup gained by
it was reported to be as few as 2 %.  So i don't see why to bother
with any -mcpu stuff by default.  Except for few compute-intensive
tasks, it will only gain a few percent at best.  For populare AMD
CPUs, the speedup is even likely to become negative...
cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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