cvs commit: src/usr.bin/unifdef unifdef.c

Tony Finch fanf at
Mon Jun 30 07:46:26 PDT 2003

fanf        2003/06/30 07:46:25 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    usr.bin/unifdef      unifdef.c 
  Various fixes from upstream, including a bug...
  Fix the usage synopsis.
  Amend the copyright notice to reflect the fact that there's no Berkeley
  code left.
  Fix a typo in a comment, improve the descriptions of the way we use
  some global variables (relevant to the bug below), and note that
  division-by-zero has side effects so the current expression evaluator
  can't be trivially extended to arithmetic in its current design.
  Avoid hitting an abort(); /* bug */ when in "text mode" (i.e.
  ignoring comment state) by updating the line parser state properly.
  PR:     53907
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.17      +18 -11    src/usr.bin/unifdef/unifdef.c

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