cvs commit: src/include paths.h src/sbin/fsck fsck.c pathnames.h src/sbin/mount mount.c pathnames.h

Gordon Tetlow gordon at
Sun Jun 29 10:53:50 PDT 2003

gordon      2003/06/29 10:53:48 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    include              paths.h 
    sbin/fsck            fsck.c 
    sbin/mount           mount.c pathnames.h 
  Removed files:
    sbin/fsck            pathnames.h 
  Convert fsck and mount to using execvP to find fsck_foo and mount_foo.
  This simplifies the code path and makes the default path easy to override
  in the /rescue case.
  Submitted by:   Tim Kientzle <kientzle at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.22      +3 -0      src/include/paths.h
  1.15      +7 -28     src/sbin/fsck/fsck.c
  1.2       +0 -35     src/sbin/fsck/pathnames.h (dead)
  1.52      +5 -24     src/sbin/mount/mount.c
  1.2       +1 -2      src/sbin/mount/pathnames.h

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