cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d dhclient netif

Mike Makonnen mtm at
Sat Jun 28 22:34:42 PDT 2003

mtm         2003/06/28 22:34:41 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    etc/rc.d             dhclient netif 
  Implement individual operations on static and dhcp interfaces. Previously
  network interfaces could only be turned on and off as a group (all
  static interfaces or all dhcp interfaces).
  When used to start the interface a 'long form' ifconfig output is
  used to show the status of the interface, but when stopping an interface
  the script will simply output the name of the interface. This is simply my
  personal preference. Hopefully as this functionality matures we can
  stabilize on a prefered form of output for these scripts.
  A stop command to the dhclient script now explicitly releases the dhcp lease.
  Behaviour at system shutdown; however, is unchanged since dhclient is not,
  by default, run at that time. The client will not release its lease
  at shutdown.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +59 -4     src/etc/rc.d/dhclient
  1.2       +99 -22    src/etc/rc.d/netif

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