cvs commit: src/bin src/bin/csh Makefile src/bin/date Makefile src/bin/dd Makefile src/bin/df Makefile src/bin/ed Makefile src/bin/expr Makefile src/bin/kenv Makefile src/bin/ls Makefile src/bin/pax Makefile src/bin/ps Makefile

Mark Murray markm at
Fri Jun 13 00:04:05 PDT 2003

markm       2003/06/13 00:04:02 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    bin/csh              Makefile 
    bin/date             Makefile 
    bin/dd               Makefile 
    bin/df               Makefile 
    bin/ed               Makefile 
    bin/expr             Makefile 
    bin/kenv             Makefile 
    bin/ls               Makefile 
    bin/pax              Makefile 
    bin/ps               Makefile 
  Get this area compiling with the highest WARNS= that it works with.
  Obsolete WFORMAT= junk also removed where possible.
  OK'ed by:       obrien
  Tested on:      sparc64, alpha, i386
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.16      +1 -2      src/bin/
  1.32      +1 -1      src/bin/csh/Makefile
  1.11      +0 -2      src/bin/date/Makefile
  1.12      +0 -1      src/bin/dd/Makefile
  1.16      +3 -4      src/bin/df/Makefile
  1.25      +1 -0      src/bin/ed/Makefile
  1.18      +0 -2      src/bin/expr/Makefile
  1.4       +0 -1      src/bin/kenv/Makefile
  1.25      +0 -2      src/bin/ls/Makefile
  1.11      +0 -1      src/bin/pax/Makefile
  1.24      +1 -2      src/bin/ps/Makefile

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