cvs commit: ports/mail/postfix-current Makefile distinfo pkg-install pkg-message pkg-plist ports/mail/postfix-current/scripts configure configure.postfix

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Tue Jul 22 23:30:13 PDT 2003

erwin       2003/07/22 23:30:12 PDT

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    mail/postfix-current Makefile distinfo pkg-install pkg-message 
    mail/postfix-current/scripts configure configure.postfix 
  Update postfix-current port to the latest release of the experimental line
  of postfix.  Brings configurable feature set up to same level as postfix port,
  except that IPv6 patches do not apply (patch author needs to update them).
  PR:             54767
  Submitted by:   maintainer
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.93      +20 -13    ports/mail/postfix-current/Makefile
  1.47      +2 -4      ports/mail/postfix-current/distinfo
  1.14      +16 -4     ports/mail/postfix-current/pkg-install
  1.2       +19 -3     ports/mail/postfix-current/pkg-message
  1.33      +21 -0     ports/mail/postfix-current/pkg-plist
  1.8       +1 -1      ports/mail/postfix-current/scripts/configure
  1.44      +88 -52    ports/mail/postfix-current/scripts/configure.postfix

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