cvs commit: src/sys/dev/usb ohci.c

Josef Karthauser joe at
Mon Jul 14 12:51:55 PDT 2003

joe         2003/07/14 12:51:53 PDT

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/dev/usb          ohci.c 
  MFNetBSD: revision 1.135
      date: 2002/12/10 14:07:37;  author: toshii;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -6
      Add a couple of le32toh which were missing in the previous.
      Pointed out by SOMEYA Yoshihiko.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.126     +5 -4      src/sys/dev/usb/ohci.c

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