cvs commit: validate - Imported sources

Mike Makonnen mtm at
Wed Dec 31 00:44:20 PST 2003

mtm         2003/12/31 00:44:17 PST

  FreeBSD projects repository

  validate - Imported sources
  Update of /home/projcvs/validate
  In directory
  Log Message:
  Initial import of the Linux Test Project (
  This import is minus the Posix test suite, which will be imported separately,
  and the HPI suite, which doesn't concern us.
  Release Tags:	LTP_20031204
  N validate/ChangeLog
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/ChangeLog,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/COPYING
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/COPYING,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/CREDITS
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/CREDITS,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/INSTALL
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/INSTALL,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/Makefile
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/Makefile,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/README
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/README,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/ltpmenu
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/ltpmenu,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/,v: No such file or directory
  N validate/ver_linux
  cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /home/projcvs/validate/ver_linux,v: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/doc -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/lib -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/include -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/pan -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/runtest -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/testcases -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/testscripts -- not added: No such file or directory
  cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /home/projcvs/validate/tools -- not added: No such file or directory
  No conflicts created by this import

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