cvs commit: src/sys/compat/ndis kern_ndis.c src/sys/dev/if_ndis if_ndis.c

Bill Paul wpaul at
Thu Dec 25 23:01:07 PST 2003

wpaul       2003/12/25 23:01:05 PST

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/compat/ndis      kern_ndis.c 
    sys/dev/if_ndis      if_ndis.c 
  Attempt to handle the status field in the ndis_packet oob area correctly.
  For received packets, an status of NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES means we need
  to copy the packet data and return the ndis_packet to the driver immediatel.
  NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS means we get to hold onto the packet, but we have
  to set the status to NDIS_STATUS_PENDING so the driver knows we're
  going to hang onto it for a while.
  For transmit packets, NDIS_STATUS_PENDING means the driver will
  asynchronously return the packet to us via the ndis_txeof() routine,
  and NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS means the driver sent the frame, and NDIS
  (i.e. the OS) retains ownership of the packet and can free it
  right away.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.15      +27 -3     src/sys/compat/ndis/kern_ndis.c
  1.15      +27 -2     src/sys/dev/if_ndis/if_ndis.c

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