cvs commit: ports/www/interchange Makefile

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Mon Dec 8 03:47:36 PST 2003

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003 16:30:41 -0800 (PST)
Mark Linimon <linimon at> wrote:

> linimon     2003/12/06 16:30:41 PST
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     www/interchange      Makefile 
>   Log:
>   Force dependency on Perl 5.8.  Without that, the port attempt to
>   do nasty things like install into non-subdirectories of /usr/local.

Can you please be more specific what files (not in the plist) get
installed in /usr/local?

>   (This was reported to me privately).  Also, mark as BROKEN due to a
>   configuration error in which it requests you create a userid but then
>   refuses to use it.

It needs the userid at configure time. I don't remember what it does
when the userid isn't available, but at the time I did the port, I
decided to do it this way on purpose.

>   The submitter of the original email reports that this port has become
>   out of date, and that he also had much better success with the (upcoming)

As there's no maintainer, and nobody on the interchange lists stepped
forward to update it (I asked there if someone is interested in
maintaining it), this shouldn't be surprising...

>   port of osCommerce, which is much less difficult to understand.

My brother knows a lot about interchange, he worked with one of the
interchange developers on a project and I helped to track down some
FreeBSD specific problems. Those facts helped a lot in getting the port
done (and I welcome every simplification in the build procedure of


--                       Alexander @
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