cvs commit: src/sys/net if_ethersubr.c

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Sun Aug 31 05:43:59 PDT 2003

On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 10:41:02 -0400 (EDT)
Robert Watson <rwatson at> wrote:

> mind.  The other thing we should encourage developers to do more is use
> code coverage tools -- phk recently pointed me at kernbb(8) as a way to
> feed gcov(1).

Documenting the various tools and how to use them on FreeBSD would be a
nice start. Maybe the interested parties can come up with a list of
programs and maybe a short introduction what those tools do/provide and
a link to documentation and hand them over to the doc people...


            Yes, I've heard of "decaf." What's your point?                       Alexander @
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