cvs commit: src/contrib/bind CHANGES README Version src/contrib/bind/bin/dig dig.c src/contrib/bind/bin/dnsquery dnsquery.c src/contrib/bind/bin/host host.c...

Doug Barton DougB at
Mon Aug 25 21:40:12 PDT 2003

On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Vitor de Matos Carvalho wrote:

> Hi,
> Because to bring up to date for version 8.3.6, if exists a new
> version, the 8.4.1 released June 9, 2003?

There is extensive discussion of this on -arch, but the short version is
that the 8.4.x branch is focused on adding IPv6 transport, and therefore
has a high percentage chance for introducing new bugs.

Those that need this functionality, or want to test it, can use the
bind84 port.

Hope this helps,



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