
Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Wed Nov 20 16:12:05 UTC 2019

Andrew Johnson wrote:
>   I can download from the ftp for a while.
> Cross-fingers and wishing you the best, hoping they get all of the
> little bugger.

All the best Stephen !

Andrew & all,
I abandoned personal use of the @freebsd.org lists for my CTM delta reception.
I only use identical name lists on
With identical content,
The generator run on ctm.berklix.org, & mails to both mail lists.

It will do you no harm (except wassted bandwidth) if you sub. both
for a while & see if you have delivery failures from either.

CTM generator server has these at Wed Nov 20 16:53:29 CET 2019:
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-4              src-4.2355.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-5              src-5.0862.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-6              src-6.1661.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-7              src-7.1771.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-8              src-8.1979.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-9              src-9.1916.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-10             src-10.2149.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-11             src-11.1475.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-12             src-12.0492.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-cur            src-cur.14287.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/ports-cur          ports-cur.13238.gz
        /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur            svn-cur.08207.xz

I just got back from traveling, & updated my local ctm trees, to
match the server (as personal mail delivery to my laptop was
problematic while travelling).

I will soon notice if mail delivery fails to update.  If there's a
CTM generator problem I could look at that later, though that's
Stephen's expertise.

Reference: http://ctm.berklix.org

Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Eng. BSD Linux Unix, Munich Aachen Kent.
http://berklix.com/jhs/cv/	http://stolenvotes.uk
Ref stole 3.7M Brit votes abroad, 700K in EU; 2.4 M young no vote; 1.6 M died.

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