Do you still need CTM?

Yasuhito KAMINAGA kaminaga at
Wed Aug 19 15:23:26 UTC 2015

Thank you Stephen kindly for the advice.

Unfortunately, I'm now busy and have no time to try svn. 

If the majority of the subscribers of ctm-users agree 
to closing ctm and you believe it is the best way, 
then I respect the opinion. 

From: "Montgomery-Smith, Stephen" <stephen at>
Subject: Re: Do you still need CTM?
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2015 04:05:26 +0000
Message-ID: <55D40085.4010907 at>

> Can you try to see if you can get svn to work?
> Another approach is that people could have a repository of svn at home,
> and then create deltas at home, and bring that to work, either by
> emailing it to themselves, or by taking it in on a flash drive.
> This can be achieved purely by using svnadmin dump (to create the
> deltas) and svnadmin load (to apply the deltas).  The current mkCTM and
> ctm commands are merely wrappers to these commands when they handle
> svn-cur.  (Most of the overhead is packaging it into the CTM structure,
> creating checksums, and compressing the data.)
> If this last approach is viable, I could provide a few more details of
> how to do this - maybe write some simple script.

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