Do you still need CTM?

Montgomery-Smith, Stephen stephen at
Wed Aug 19 04:06:38 UTC 2015

On 08/18/2015 10:28 PM, Yasuhito KAMINAGA wrote:
> I need ctm at preesnt because our firewall 
> is extremely restrictive and it has been 
> prevented all protocols related to updating 
> freebsd.  I must confess that I do not try 
> recent protocols for long times (ten years 
> or so).  Thus, the situation may be changed 
> now.  But ctm is undoubtedly a final method. 
> I hope it be continued as an insurance. 

Can you try to see if you can get svn to work?

Another approach is that people could have a repository of svn at home,
and then create deltas at home, and bring that to work, either by
emailing it to themselves, or by taking it in on a flash drive.

This can be achieved purely by using svnadmin dump (to create the
deltas) and svnadmin load (to apply the deltas).  The current mkCTM and
ctm commands are merely wrappers to these commands when they handle
svn-cur.  (Most of the overhead is packaging it into the CTM structure,
creating checksums, and compressing the data.)

If this last approach is viable, I could provide a few more details of
how to do this - maybe write some simple script.

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