suggestion of src-cur src/.svn_revision

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Wed Nov 5 15:29:50 UTC 2014

Hi ctm-users at
Ref. my

> I can not give an SVN revision number as I did not use svn myself to extract 
> that /usr/src/ which I received via CTM, but as it was:
> 	cd /usr/src
> 	cat .ctm_status
> 		src-cur 11681
> 	ls -l .ctm_status
> 		-rw-r--r--  1 jhs  staff  14 Nov  3 16:13 .ctm_status
> By Tue Nov  4 13:12:39 CET 2014 I had since received a new ctm mail
> -r--r--r--  1 mailnull  mailnull  14858 Nov  3 21:25 /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-cur/src-cur.11682.gz
> I built a GENERIC kernel which booted OK, Then a custom kernel also booted OK.
> (maybe someone fixed the panic).
> Seperately after, trying to look where I might find an svn number
> to quote non ctm users for the above, I ran:
> 	svn export -q file:///usr/svn/base/head	# Exported revision 274078
> 	find + grep 274078 ...
> 	./head/lib/libnetbsd/sys/time.h:
> 		/* $FreeBSD: head/lib/libnetbsd/sys/time.h 274078 2014-11-04 02:00:07Z ngie $ 
> 	Is there a better place in src/ to look for svn numbers to quote ?
> 	Normaly I only have what's in src/ ... maybe the ctm server 
> 	should catch the stdout or stderr from svn & write it to eg 
> 	src/.svn_revision ?

I did a later 2nd svn export, & saw   Exported revision 274125
A find & grep 274125 resulted in .. head/usr.bin/wc/ Makefile & wc.c

So there is no place where ctm src-cur users can refer to SVN revision number,
So I suggest the ctm generator could be slightly extended eg approx:
	svn export file:///usr/svn/base/head > ../output
	tail -1 ../output | sed -e 's/Exported revision //' \
	| sed -e 's/.$//' > head/.svn_revision

[ Perhaps later, similarly for ports & stables too ? ]

Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix'78 C Sys Eng Consultant Munich
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