CTM index on servers

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Tue Jan 29 00:47:38 UTC 2013

On 01/28/2013 01:29 PM, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:
> Hi Stephen, ctm-users,
> New to this list, coming from a lively thread on freebsd-stable@
> For me and a lot of admins/users, fetching sources just got a lot harder for a *lot* of admins/users.  A page was raised to try to help cull facts out of all the confusing details, here:
>   https://wiki.freebsd.org/UsersFetchingSource
> At this point the page may be more confusing itself :)
> --
> Enter: CTM
> I'm delighted to learn about ctm(1) usage, and quite interested in using it to fetch REL and RELENG sources, and keep it up to date (to redistribute internally across a cluster of servers).
> I know a *ton* of *BSD admins who love c[v]sup, but I don't know any who use ctm(1) any more, so I'm sorry if my questions are naive.
> On Jan 28, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>>> On the FTP server, is there an index of which CTM delta files are on the FTP server?  I'd like to automate fetching just the new deltas...
>>> If there was perhaps 1 file with a consistent name, I could fetch that on a nightly basis and fetch the other CTM files.
>> I can easily put in something like this.  Maybe the output of ls in each directory?

Look in http://web.missouri.edu/~stephen/CTM and the subdirectories, and
tell me if you like the way I implemented INDEX.

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