
Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Sun Oct 21 22:57:41 UTC 2012


> > Do you mind if I put your patch on the CTM ftp sites?  [...]
> No problem. Feel free to distribute the patch by any means you like.

Hi all,
With this
 8.[23]-RELEASE amd64
 MD5 (svn-cur.00500xEmpty.xz) = a9245484b4996f1cf411feb691686efc
 MD5 (svn-cur.00800xEmpty.xz) = 4163ea72b0608d541fdaea04f0af4fa1
 MD5 (svn-cur.00501.xz) = d4c3d81bfe80a2954eb76a172198dbca
 + patch-for-ctm-v04 etc patches applied

I see this error:
 ctm -v /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.00500xEmpty.xz # OK
 ctm -v /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.00[5-9][0-9][0-9].xz
 Working on </pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.00501.xz>
 /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.00501.xz Fatal error: Corrupt patch.
 Expected " " but didn't find it {0a}.
 ctm: exit(65)
I downloaded a more recent base & the problem went away
 ctm -v /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.00800xEmpty.xz
 ctm -v /pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/svn-cur/svn-cur.008[0-9][0-9].xz
 cat .ct*	# OK svn-cur 860

Was svn-cur.00500xEmpty.xz was generated by older pre patched tools ?
(hence no longer on mirror, jusrt on my local archive),
or have I discovered a problem ?

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
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