CTM not being updated on FTP site

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Wed Jun 16 22:15:54 UTC 2010

Chris Rees wrote:
> On 16 June 2010 20:18, Peter Jeremy<peterjeremy at acm.org>  wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> I normally pull cvs-cur deltas off ftp.freebsd.org and have just
>> noticed that there have been no updates to any CTM directories since
>> 13th June.  Checking CVSweb suggests the SVN->CVS exporter is up to
>> date.  Is there a problem with CTM?
> Unbelievable. Would you believe I've /just/ opened an email to
> complain about receiving deltas by email too? Scary co-incidence...
> Thanks for your work Stephen, but I'd just like to a add a 'me too' on
> the mailing list side.
> Chris

Hi Guys,

This is the source of the problem:


As you can see, I have had this problem since January 2008, and I still 
haven't figured out the cause.  The only way I can fix it is on a case 
by case basis when it happens.  It seems to be a peculiarity of the 
math.missouri.edu subnet!

I'll try to get it going again soon.


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