
Greg Lewis glewis at
Sat Feb 3 17:58:55 UTC 2007

On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 05:52:23PM +0100, Julian Stacey wrote:
> Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> > RELENG_4 seems to have reached its end of line.  I am contemplating 
> > closing src-4.  What do you people think?  (It is actually very little 
> > effort for me to keep it going, so if anyone has any reason whatsoever 
> > to keep it open, I will do so - I am only contemplating closing for 
> > housekeeping reasons.)
> I have various machines (some on 6, but some) stuck on 4:
>    - 5 doesnt install on some laptops,
>    - There's an fdisk systctl pain with newer fdisk affecting the 
>      console-less scanner
>    - gnokii (nokia coms port) fails on 6, works on 4 (I've largely dropped 5)
>    - one of my public servers on 4 (that will change)
>    - I've even got a genuine 386 in tiny chassis runs 4.11 - &
>      suspicion about lower performance if upgrading to 5 or 6.
> Probably there's lots of boxes & users out there, who/ which still use 4.
> They probably just don't correspond with FreeBSD policy makers,
> I'd suggest leave 4 CTMs in place for a while, Thanks Stephen.

The decision on whether or not to drop src-4 isn't related to whether
people still have machines running 4.x (I have a couple as well).  The
key factor is whether developers are going to continue to commit to the
RELENG_4 branch.  Now, while I wouldn't rule out the occasional stray
commit, I would say that RELENG_4 is pretty much dead.  Both the security
officer and the ports team just put what should be the final nails in the

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis at
Eyes Beyond                         Web     :
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis at

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