First time running CTM
Stephen Liu
satimis at
Mon Jun 7 04:09:02 GMT 2004
Hi Stephen,
Tks for your advice.
> Did anyone else reply?
NO, you are the first (the only) folk replying my
posting on all lists, currently subscribed by me.
Neither I can get much technical information of CTM on
google search except some Russian sites.
Unfortunately I could not read Russian.
> CTM is a good way to keep up to date, but cvsup is
> also a good way. I think
> that the documentation for ctm is not that great,
> and so you may find cvsup an
> easier way to go. I would use ctm only if you have
> some specific reason to do
> so (i.e. you are behind a corperate firewall).
Last week, on a workstation (not behine a corporate
firewall, as super-root (su -) I ran;
# cvsup -g /usr/local/etc/cvsup/ports-supfile
# cvsup -g /usr/local/etc/cvsup/stable-supfile
and then
# portupgrade -aRrv0
not very successful, some feature missing after root,
portupgrade utilities not working, kde-3.1.4 not
upgraded to kde-3.2.2, partition of /var overflown,
etc. Fortunately I fixed most problems except
kde-3.2.2 upgrade which I will do its installation
from binary later and some minor problem.
I am prepared to have another round re-running 'cvsup'
and 'portupgrade' Because I am running FreeBSD 5.2 on
a slow PC, AMD-K6-5.2. Therefore I am planning to run
# portupgrade -aRrv0 -x kde
# pkg_delete kde\* arts\* qt\* quanta\* kdevelop\*
(to erase existing kde-3.1.4)
and then to reinstall kde-3.2.2 from binary
# pkg_add -r kde
(I started posting the above to mailing lists/forum
for further advice/comment)
A folk on, IIRC, suggested me using CTM,
mentioning that he has tried it successfully. He will
abandon cvsup forever. That is the whole story. But
he has not replied my posting to clarify my questions.
- snip -
> > Hereinunder are my questions
> > 1)
> > Using CTM for the First Time
> > I haven't had a -RELEASE CD. Where can I download
> the
> > 'starter delta'. My PC is connected to 3MB
> broadband.
> The docs are somewhat deceptive on this issue. You
> don't want to use anything
> off a release CD. You can get all the starter
> deltas from most any ftp site,
> e.g. - they are in with all the
> regular deltas.
Noted with thanks
- snip -
> > Can I establish 'Empty' to /usr/ where has plenty
> > space???
> You can put it anywhere you like.
> > # ctm -v -v
> > /path/to/starter_delta/download/folder/src-xxx.*
> > (why it needs double '-v' here ???)
> You don't need any '-v'.
Noted with thanks
> > After step 2) above, now I have the lastest port
> > tree.
> > I then subscribe a CTM distribution list. What
> > shall
> > I do next?
> See if cvsup is better for your needs. If not, try
> to figure out what you can -
> we can try to answer questions as they come up.
Noted with thanks. If time allows I am willing to
learn an alternative of upgrading. I read on google
search a new site for CTM is now being built working
on a German server.
> > Would the ports tree automatically updated
> > whenever I
> > start the PC?
> No.
Oh, I misunderstood that it works on the principle as
'ntp' synchronizing the clock.
Stephen Liu
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