Help with CTM

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Wed Apr 7 14:59:30 PDT 2004

I also found the man pages and FreeBSD docs on CTM to be misleading.

You need to blow /usr/ports away first.  The .ctm_status file didn't exist 
message is to be expected for the reasons you state.

Shawn Kennedy wrote:
> I've been going over the man pages and the FreeBSD handbook
> for a few days and am stuck as to what my problem is.
> I've used cvsup for a few years until my company killed
> access through the firewall. Last recourse is CTM.
> I found the CTM files and FTP'ed them down to
> the box.  I ran what I thought was the appropriate 
> command:
> cd /usr/ports
> ctm -v -v /usr/ctm/ports/ports-cur.5000xEmpty.gz
> I received that the .ctm_status file didn't exist 
> (assumed that - first time it's running) but it said
> that all the files in the list exist (I am assuming it's
> because I've last cvsup'ed about 1 month ago). Error code
> returned is 80.
> I thought that I would now try and run the next file in
> sequence, but it failed!
> The first file it tried to edit was Mk/
> and it said the md5 didn't match and gave me an exit code 104.
> Also said the .ctm_status file wasn't found.
> What in the world am I doing wrong?  Is it because I didn't blow
> away /usr/ports first?
> Shawn Kennedy
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