64-bit LBA addressing?

danci at agenda.si danci at agenda.si
Wed Jan 4 00:01:52 PST 2006


I have a new storage device where I intended to use a huge logical volume 
(~ 4TB) using an aic79xx card. Unfortunately, if I make a LV that big, 
linux detects that as a disk with 0 cylinders.

After asking the manufacturer (Infortrend), they suggested that the HBA 
hardware AND driver needs to support 64-bit LBA addressing and to their 
knowledge, only LSI HBA's do that.

So, do aic79xx card and driver support 64-bit LBA addressing? 

If not - is it a hardware issue, a driver issue or both?

 Thanks, Danilo

|    Danilo Godec    |     Agenda d.o.o.    |   ISP for business  |
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|  danci at agenda.si   |    si-2000 Maribor   |  Internet/Intranet  |
| tel:+386.2.2340860 |       Slovenija      | Application servers |
| fax:+386.2.2340854 | http://www.agenda.si |  Caldera OpenLinux  |

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