problem with aac0 on FreeBSD 5.4 Stable#5

Martin Friebe mfriebe at
Sat Oct 8 07:52:03 PDT 2005

Trent McGrath wrote:

> Hello Martin;
> What type of drives are you using?
> disk list /full

I have attached
fdisk -s
info from aaccli (built from port)

amrd0 is an mirrored raid with 2 times 36GBscsi disks

aac0 (the one with he problem) is an external raid5 in a DELL powervault 
220s 5 * 136 GB SCSI ( 4 active, 1 failover) (see aaccli output)

All disks are as originally deliveredfrom DELL, but the server is in a 
data center, so I need to go there, to find out the manufacturer from 
the label. Unless you can direct me how to read them via software.

The aac0 partition is only used by mysql, ( I checked for bugs there, 
but mysql is not crashing, and still responsive, as long as you dont 
request anything that needs diskaccess).

The error usually happens, either during optimizing, or backup of all 
tables. In either way large file operations.

non of the disks shows any "grown  defects"

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    
/dev/amrd0s2b           none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/amrd0s2a           /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/amrd0s2e           /tmp            ufs     rw,noatime      2       2
/dev/amrd0s2f           /usr            ufs     rw,noatime      2       2
/dev/amrd0s2d           /var            ufs     rw,noatime      2       2
/dev/acd0               /cdrom          cd9660  ro,noauto       0       0
/dev/aacd0s1d           /db             ufs     rw,noatime      0       0

fdisk -s
/dev/amrd0: 4421 cyl 255 hd 63 sec
Part        Start        Size Type Flags
   1:          63      112392 0xde 0x00
   2:      112455    70910910 0xa5 0x80

 sudo fdisk -sv /dev/aacd0
/dev/aacd0: 53535 cyl 255 hd 63 sec
Part        Start        Size Type Flags
   1:          63   860039712 0xa5 0x80

 df -H
Filesystem                  Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/amrd0s2a               520M     51M    427M    11%    /
devfs                       1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/amrd0s2e               520M    2.0k    478M     0%    /tmp
/dev/amrd0s2f                29G    2.0G     25G     8%    /usr
/dev/amrd0s2d               1.0G     61M    893M     6%    /var
/dev/aacd0s1d               426G    138G    254G    35%    /db

# aaccli

Executing: container list
Num          Total  Oth Stripe          Scsi   Partition
Label Type   Size   Ctr Size   Usage   C:ID:L Offset:Size
----- ------ ------ --- ------ ------- ------ -------------
 0    RAID-5  410GB       64KB Open    0:00:0 64.0KB: 136GB
 /dev/aacd0                            0:01:0 64.0KB: 136GB
                                       0:02:0 64.0KB: 136GB
                                       0:04:0 64.0KB: 136GB

Executing: container show cache 0

Global Container Read Cache Size  : 0
Global Container Write Cache Size : 16203776
Read Cache Setting        : ENABLE
Write Cache Setting       : ENABLE WHEN PROTECTED
Write Cache Status        : Active, protected

Executing: container show failover 0

Container Scsi C:ID:L
--------- ----------------------------------
  0       0:03:0

Executing: controller details
Controller Information
         Remote Computer: S
             Device Name: S
         Controller Type: No Info
             Access Mode: READ-WRITE
Controller Serial Number: Last Six Digits = B764F4
         Number of Buses: 2
         Devices per Bus: 15
          Controller CPU: Unknown
    Controller CPU Speed: 100 Mhz
       Controller Memory: 64 Mbytes
           Battery State: Ok

Component Revisions
                CLI: 1.0-0 (Build #5263)
                API: 1.0-0 (Build #5263)
    Miniport Driver: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
Controller Software: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
    Controller BIOS: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
Controller Firmware: (Build #7244)
Controller Hardware: 2.64

Executing: controller show automatic_failover
Automatic failover ENABLED

Executing: controller show channels

Ch#  Host ID  Targets  Type       Max Usage
---  -------  -------  ---------  ---------
  0    7       15      NoInfo     NoInfo
  1    7       15      NoInfo     NoInfo

Executing: controller show container_verify
Container verify ENABLED
Errors found 0

Executing: enclosure list

ID (C:ID:L) Fan Power Slot Sensor Door Speaker  Standard Diagnostic
----------- --- ----- ---- ------ ---- -------- -------- ----------
 0  0:06:0   4    2   14     4     0     Yes    SAF-TE   PASSED

Executing: enclosure show status

ID (C:ID:L) UpTime D:H:M   PowerCycle Interval Door     Alarm
----------- -------------- ---------- -------- -------- -----
 0  0:06:0         0:00:00        0       10   OFF

ID (C:ID:L) Fan Status
----------- --- -------------
 0  0:06:0   0   OK
 0  0:06:0   1   OK
 0  0:06:0   2   OK
 0  0:06:0   3   OK

ID (C:ID:L) Power State        Status
----------- ----- ------------ -------
 0  0:06:0   0     ON            OK
 0  0:06:0   1     ON            OK

ID (C:ID:L) Slot scsiId Insert  Status
----------- ---- ------ ------- ------------------------------------------
 0  0:06:0   0   0:00:0     0   OK ACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   1   0:01:0     0   OK ACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   2   0:02:0     0   OK ACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   3   0:03:0     0   OK UNCONFIG ACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   4   0:04:0     0   OK ACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   5   0:05:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   6   0:08:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   7   0:09:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   8   0:10:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0   9   0:11:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0  10   0:12:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0  11   0:13:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0  12   0:14:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE
 0  0:06:0  13   0:15:0     0   OK UNCONFIG EMPTY I/R READY NOTACTIVATE

ID (C:ID:L) Sensor Temperature Threshold Status
----------- ------ ----------- --------- --------
 0  0:06:0   0       71 F         120    NORMAL
 0  0:06:0   1       69 F         120    NORMAL
 0  0:06:0   2       77 F         120    NORMAL
 0  0:06:0   3       62 F         120    NORMAL

Executing: disk list

C:ID:L  Device Type     Blocks    Bytes/Block Usage            Shared Rate
------  --------------  --------- ----------- ---------------- ------ ----
0:00:0   Disk            286749480 512         Initialized      NO     320
0:01:0   Disk            286749480 512         Initialized      NO     320
0:02:0   Disk            286749480 512         Initialized      NO     320
0:03:0   Disk            286749480 512         Initialized      NO     320
0:04:0   Disk            286749480 512         Initialized      NO     320

Executing: disk show defects (BUS=0,ID=0,LUN=0)
Number of PRIMARY defects on drive: 2252
Number of GROWN defects on drive: 0

Executing: disk show defects (BUS=0,ID=1,LUN=0)
Number of PRIMARY defects on drive: 571
Number of GROWN defects on drive: 0

Executing: disk show defects (BUS=0,ID=2,LUN=0)
Number of PRIMARY defects on drive: 1311
Number of GROWN defects on drive: 0

Executing: disk show defects (BUS=0,ID=3,LUN=0)
Number of PRIMARY defects on drive: 1052
Number of GROWN defects on drive: 0

Executing: disk show defects (BUS=0,ID=4,LUN=0)
Number of PRIMARY defects on drive: 875
Number of GROWN defects on drive: 0

Executing: disk show partition

Scsi   Partition     Container  MultiLevel
C:ID:L Offset:Size   Num Type   Num Type   R/W
------ ------------- --- ------ --- ------ ---
0:00:0 64.0KB: 136GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:01:0 64.0KB: 136GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:02:0 64.0KB: 136GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:04:0 64.0KB: 136GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW

Executing: disk show smart

        Smart    Method of         Enable
        Capable  Informational     Exception  Performance  Error
C:ID:L  Device   Exceptions(MRIE)  Control    Enabled      Count
------  -------  ----------------  ---------  -----------  ------
0:00:0     Y            6             Y           Y             0
0:01:0     Y            6             Y           Y             0
0:02:0     Y            6             Y           Y             0
0:03:0     Y            6             Y           Y             0
0:04:0     Y            6             Y           Y             0
0:06:0     N

Executing: diagnostic dump text
Controller Information
         Remote Computer: S
             Device Name: S
         Controller Type: No Info
             Access Mode: READ-WRITE
Controller Serial Number: Last Six Digits = B764F4
         Number of Buses: 2
         Devices per Bus: 15
          Controller CPU: Unknown
    Controller CPU Speed: 100 Mhz
       Controller Memory: 64 Mbytes
           Battery State: Ok

Component Revisions
                CLI: 1.0-0 (Build #5263)
                API: 1.0-0 (Build #5263)
    Miniport Driver: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
Controller Software: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
    Controller BIOS: 4.1-0 (Build #7244)
Controller Firmware: (Build #7244)
Controller Hardware: 2.64

     Start   Sector Drv       Pri Sec Cnt Cfg Dsk     Cn Cn
Par  Sector   Count Num Flags Cnt Cnt Ent Drv Par Age Ty Of R/W Orp 
Dirty Loc Date     Time     Serial Number       BN   A
---  ------  ------ --- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- --- 
----- --- -------- -------- ------------------- ---- -
 1      128 286681728  0  CNF:fg   0 -1   4   0   1   94  R  0 RW  00  
0x03 BTH  5/ 4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2
NA 286681856      40  0 (Free Space)
 2      128 286681728  1  CNF:fg   0 -1   4   1   0   94  R  1 RW  00  
0x03 BTH  5/ 4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2
NA 286681856      40  1 (Free Space)
 3      128 286681728  2  CNF:fg   0 -1   4   2   0   94  R  2 RW  00  
0x03 BTH  5/ 4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2
NA 286681856      40  2 (Free Space)
NA      128 286681768  3 (Free Space)
 4      128 286681728  4  CNF:fg   0 -1   4   4   0   94  R  3 RW  00  
0x03 BTH  5/ 4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2
NA 286681856      40  4 (Free Space)

               TOTAL        FSA         CHUNK  SCSI       
PARTI                                              SLICE         USER
----- ------  ------- ----  ---- -----  ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- 
-------- ------------------- ---- - ---------- ---------- -- ----
0     RAID5  410.1GB   RW    NO  64KB  136.7GB 0:0:0   0     1    5/ 
4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2 0x00000080    0000
                                       136.7GB 0:1:0   1     2    5/ 
4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2 0x00000080    0000
                                       136.7GB 0:2:0   2     3    5/ 
4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2 0x00000080    0000
                                       136.7GB 0:4:0   4     4    5/ 
4/05  7:18:31 FAFA-F001-00B7-64F4 0001 2 0x00000080    0000

Battery Information
Battery Serial Number:     Unknown
Full Charge Capacity:      Unknown
Design capacity:           Unknown
Remaining Capacity:        1043 mAh
Full Charge Capacity:      Unknown
Current:                   Unknown
Specification Information: Unknown
Temperature:               Unknown
Last recondition date:     Unknown
Next recondition date:     Unknown

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