possible bug in 6.2.36

Tom Hansen tomh at uwm.edu
Fri Jun 11 14:42:22 GMT 2004

I'm writing in regards to your post on the aic7xxx mailing list.  Did you
ever resolve the problem with your Promise array?  We've got a similar setup
down here, except that we're running Red Hat Enterprise 3.0 on a Dell box
with a 39160 card.  We're getting the same exact "DV failed to configure"

Thanks for any help!

Tom Hansen
Senior Information Processing Consultant
Great Lakes WATER Institute
tomh at uwm.edu

--- Original Message ---
We have a raid array consisting of 4 external promise raid  devices
attatched to an Adaptec 29160 SCSI adapter in a redhat 7.3 box running
kernel 2.4.24. One afternoon the kernel paniced, we thought because
of a problem with JFS. We rebooted and noticed in syslog that
there are many SCSI errors, including the one immmediatly
below which asks us to file a bug report.

Is this a problem with the driver, the card itself, or the promise raid

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