AIC7902 SCSI aborted command

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at
Mon Aug 4 12:25:57 PDT 2003

> After ~200 hours of operation a PC spit out this message:
> Copied 18 bytes of sense data offset 12: 0xf0 0x0 0xb 0x0 0x0 0x40 0xff 0xa
> 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x47 0x3 0x8 0x0 0x0 0x0
> (da0:ahd0:0:0:0): WRITE(06). CDB: a 0 40 ff 80 0
> (da0:ahd0:0:0:0): ABORTED COMMAND info:40ff asc:47,3
> (da0:ahd0:0:0:0): Reserved ASC/ASCQ pair field replaceable unit: 8
> The system has a single U320 15KRPM seagate 18GB drive in it.
> No other messages are present.

This means that the target saw a CRC miscompare on a packet.  CAM
retried the command and it succeeded.  CRC errors are not unheard
of in U320 configurations, but at only 200 hours of load, that is
a little too often for comfort.

I believe you mentioned before that you were using an extremely
short cable in one of your configurations.  Be aware that there
is a minimum cable length suggested by the SCSI spec.  This
varies depending on the capacitance rating of your cable, but
the shortest length allowed is 10cm (cables with less capacitance
need larger spacing).  If your cable is shorter than this, you might
consider trying something longer.


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