
Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at scsiguy.com
Mon Mar 11 08:27:50 PST 2002

>On Monday 11 March 2002 4:15 pm, Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
>> I must be reading different code than you.  From the 6.2.5 linux driver:
>Let me reword the issue in a different way.
>From queue.h:
>#define TAILQ_FIRST(head)       ((head)->tqh_first)
>#define TAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, field) do {                             \
>        if ((TAILQ_NEXT((elm), field)) != NULL)                         \
>                TAILQ_NEXT((elm), field)->field.tqe_prev =              \
>                    (elm)->field.tqe_prev;                              \
>        else                                                            \
>                (head)->tqh_last = (elm)->field.tqe_prev;               \
>        *(elm)->field.tqe_prev = TAILQ_NEXT((elm), field);              \

	(elm)->field.tqe_prev *is* the head structure's tqh_first.


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