driver / kernel ignores TEST UNIT READY command

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at
Thu Jun 21 07:23:54 PDT 2001

>> Why should the test unit ready fail or wait?  The driver doesn't
>> know anything about the commands that are sent.  The driver just
>> processes commands generically and returns the results.  Perhaps
>> if you better explained the environment (full dmesg) and what
>> you are trying to do, I can help more.
>	I'm using a program called vuescan.  It allows me to use my
>Polaroid film scanner under linux.  It is not working properly.  The
>unit - when scan is hit - acts normally (as in the way it did under
>2.2.18) but the app shows immeadiatly that it is receiving data.  The
>app shows that the scan is done long before the unit finishes scanning.
>The image that is displayed is garbage.
>	After many e-mails with the author, he looked at a log of a good run 
>under 2.2.18, and a failed run under 2.4.4 with the patched driver.  The 
>only difference was what I mentioned.  If under 2.2.18 the scsi driver 
>either returned an error or waited five seconds, and it is not doing 
>that now, either there was a bug in the old version that allowed it to 
>work well with my scanner and the new 'fixed' version doesn't, or the 
>other way around.  I don't see any other possibilities.  Nothing else 
>changed.  I can still boot into my 2.2.18 and it still works.

My guess is that the scanner has a very small window, after a scan is
started, where it does not properly either report BUSY status to the
test unit ready, or wait to return status for the test unit ready unil
it has data to send.  The new driver is much faster at delivering
commands than the previous one, and it wouldn't surprise me if this is
the cause for the confusion.

If vuescan either performs an additional test unit ready or adds
a small delay after the start of scan before quering the scanner,
it will probably work with the new driver.


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