mixing UW and U2W LVD drive on the same Bus???

Eric NOULARD enoulard at free.fr
Mon Feb 12 14:54:44 PST 2001

	I would like to know if anybody here did
already tried to mix on the same UW scsi bus (AHA 2940 UW controller)
1 UW harddrive (in my case: IBM, DCAS-34330W) and 1 U2W LVD2 drive
(in my case IBM, DDYS-T18350LVD2).
[My reseller says U3W, but does this mean U2W + LVD2???] 

	Obviously I would like the LVD drive to behave smoothly as a
poor UW SE drive.

	I would like to do this, because I would not be able to
buy both a new drive and a new controller ...

	So I would prefer buying the drive and perhaps in some
monthes the U2W controller that would fire up my drive from 40 Mo/s
to 160 Mo/s.

------->>>> Eric Noulard
------->>>> E-mail: enoulard at free.fr

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