adaptec 2940uw fails aic7xxx: 5.0.20 -> 5.1.2

Thomas Lemm Thomas.Lemm at Physik.Uni-Marburg.DE
Fri Jan 28 03:13:28 PST 2000


> > Hi there!
> > 
> > Upgrading from Linux 2.0.34 to 2.0.36 the kernel fails to support my
> > adaptec 2940uw. I traced down the error to aic7xxx version 5.1.2. The
> > previous version (5.0.20) works. (I tried some developement kernels that
> > included the said aic7xxx versions). The error shows up as a "Sequencer
> > Ram Parity Error", followed by a BRKADRINT and then a kernel panic.
> > 
> > I upgraded the adaptec card with 2 other pc's and upgraded the adaptec's
> > bios to version 2.20.0. None of the above modifications helped in any way
> > or modified the described error. The Kernel and thus the aic7xxx driver
> > works well with Linux 2.0.34 and W95.
> > 
> > Can someone give me help on this, does anybody have a (dos) adaptec
> > testing program that he or she could provide so that I can be absolutely
> > shure its the driver and not the adaptec card.
> The 5.1.2 aic7xxx driver had some issues on older cards.  It was updated in
> the next 2.0 kernel series.  In general, you are *way* behind current kernels
> with the versions you are using now, and that can be a problem.

No, I did not mention it... The problem prevails with _all_ following
kernels (I tried 2.2.10 and 2.2.14 as well...)

Thomas Lemm

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