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Mark Hounschell
dmarkh at
Sat Aug 5 03:44:40 PDT 2000
Mark Hounschell wrote:
> Bob_Tracy wrote:
> >
> > Mark Hounschell wrote:
> > > I'm using a 2930U. Latest aic7xxx driver. I've not had to much
> rouble
> > > with it. I have a Micro-Star Athlon MB. SuSe 6.4. 4 scsi
> disk,tape,
> > > and cdrw. I didn't ever see any of your symtoms posted. Probaby
> was
> > > in a deleteing mode that day. What happens, and when? I don't
> know >> what
> > > the U2 model is. Mines just a 2930U.
> >
> > The U2 has an internal/external SE/Ultra bus (50 pin), and an
> > internal Ultra-2 bus (68 pin). There's a second AIC on the card
> > that provides electrical isolation and switching between the two
> > busses (single channel card), and as long as you have only Ultra-2
> > peripherals on the Ultra-2 side of the card, they will run at up to
> > 80 MB/s.
> >
> > As for symptoms of what I'm seeing, the machine will boot both Linux
> > and Win95 off the 2930U2 drive zero, but Linux goes into the
> infinite
> > timeout/reset loop after the sequencer code is downloaded to the
> card.
> > (Note that the aic7xxx driver correctly identifies the card, but
> that's
> > as far as it goes). I tried booting FreeBSD 4.1 off the two-floppy
> > bootstrap set, and got the same behavior. Today, I plucked the card
> > and put it into a different machine, and all is well... Hence, my
> > conclusion that it has something to do with my particular
> motherboard
> > and/or its setup.
> >
> > Another respondent suggested checking the PnP OS setting in the
> > motherboard setup. That might be the catch of the day, because I
> > distinctly remember that it's set to "yes" (inappropriately so, I
> > gather).
> That's what I hear too but It's never made in difference in anything
> in my experience.
> >
> > --
> > Bob Tracy
> > rct at
> You noticed I said that I hadn't had TOO much trouble. I actually have
> 2 of the 2930u cards. Home and at work. At home all I have connected
> is a 4gb barracuda, exabyte 8500 tape drive and a Yamaha CRW8424 cdrw.
> At work a have the same but 3 additional 4gb barracuda's. The exabyte
> tape and Yamaha CDRW have been added recently. That's when my problem
> started. Almost every time I reboot the machine right after the
> sequencer
> code is loaded I get messages about a reset because of a time-out from
> a test-unit-ready. It usually points to scsi device id=0. Sometimes it
> says somthing about trying harder and sometimes it'll succeed in what
> ever
> it's trying to do. But more often than not it will appear to be in an
> endless loop and I have to power down and power back up. That USUALLY
> will let it boot on up.
> At home after recently adding the same Yamaha CDRW I find the same
> thing
> happening to me just not as frequent.
> At work if I remove the exabyte tape and Yamaha I never have this
> problem. Once I'm able to get the machine up all works great.
> What kind of devices do you have connected? Do ya have a SCSI CD/RW?
> I've been meaning to gather up all the info relating to my problem
> and post it to the list but haven't as yet. Your the first to hear
> about it. There is no doubt in my mind that my problem is a driver
> problem. Monday, from work I'll right down all the messages I get
> and post my problem to the list.
> By the way, When I try to mail to you directly my mail gets returned
> as spam???????????
> regards
> --
> Mark Hounschell
> dmarkh at
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It seems even sending mail to the list I get a returned mail message
even though it get to it.
Mark Hounschell
dmarkh at
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