kernel2.2.15pre19 and aic-7770 problem

Mike Isely isely at
Fri Apr 21 11:05:23 PDT 2000

OK.  I'm still here.  Don't feel rushed on my account.  I am of course
very interested in getting this fixed, but it isn't killing me at the
moment (just delaying upgrading that machine's kernel for now).  As
always, please let me know what I can do to help. 


On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Doug Ledford wrote:

> Mike Isely wrote:
> > 
> > This might be the same problem I have been having with my Adaptec 2842
> > controller (same aic7770 controller part).  Doug has been trying to fix
> > it (and I've been testing fixes), but as far as I know the problem is
> > still unfixed.  Try an unmodified 2.2.15pre12 kernel with its aic7xxx
> > driver.  I believe that was the last patch level that worked for me (it
> > might have actually been the pre13 patch; I have to go back and check).
> I was gone all the early part of this week and was tied up the latter half of
> last week.  I'm trying to get this problem sorted very shortly now.
> -- 
>  Doug Ledford <dledford at>
>       Please check my web site for aic7xxx updates/answers before
>                       e-mailing me about problems

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