AIC-7880 claiming non-wide

Davin Milun milun at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Mon Oct 11 06:56:59 PDT 1999

>From Brett.Smith at Mon Oct 11 09:44 EDT 1999
>Subject: RE: AIC-7880 claiming non-wide
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 08:44:47 -0500
>	If your narrow connector is not on a separate SCSI bus segment it
>will effect the devices on the wide connector.  It seems the interaction of
>devices on the SCSI bus does not work as well when using Adaptec chips on a
>motherboard.  What I have seen is the SCSI BIOS found on motherboards are
>not as pure as the ones found on the Adaptec host adapters. I have also seen
>problems with the IBM drives when mixing wide and narrow buses.  Remove the
>Micropolis and Exabyte and see if you can get the BIOS system to run in
>Ultra mode 40m with just the IBM device, I' am assuming you system does not
>support Ultra-2(80m).  Then attach the Micropolis device which should run in
>Fast20 mode(20m) without effecting the IBM device.  Finally attach the
>Exabyte device which should run also in Fast20 mode but at 10m since it is a
>narrow device.  If this does effect the other two devices you may need a
>BIOS upgrade from your motherboard manufacture.

I will indeed do experimenting with removing/adding devices from the bus.
I plan on doing so tonight, and will report my findings then.

My concern is not that it's dropping down to slow or narrow when using the
tape drive - I could live with that, if it showed itself as a Wide controller
operating in Narrow mode.

My concern is that the Ctrl-A SCSI BIOS menus no longer seem to indicate that
it is a Wide controller!  (No "Use Wide" option; Now only SCSI ID's 0-7
displayed, and no 8-15 at all; etc.)

Davin Milun    E-mail:  milun at cse.Buffalo.EDU     milun at

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