Spinning system CPU on my Linux/AHA2940 box...

Pawel Olszewski P.Olszewski at amg.net.pl
Thu May 27 08:29:32 PDT 1999


I have recently installed a SCSI MO (Fujitsu 640) in my box which has
AHA2940 card. During intense copying operations (to the MO) my *system*
load jumps to 7 - 8. Some processes freeze in 'D' state for 10-120 seconds
(especially processes accessing the MO at the same time; sometimes
also programs that do not use the MO freeze for a while).

I would like to ask you if this could be due to aic7xxx driver or maybe it
depends on higher layer of scsi implementation in Linux. Or maybe the MO
drive screws it all up?

I ususaly use ext2 filesystem (2048-byte blocks) on my MO disks.

This behavior is present in all versions of 2.2 (up to 2.2.8). It was also
present in 2.0.x.

Any hints will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

|) . () .
| Pawel Olszewski <alder at amg.net.pl>
  h t t p : / / w w w . a m g . n e t . p l / 

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