Aha2940 Pro under linux

Sebastien Rodriguez srodriguez at cvf.fr
Wed May 26 06:03:19 PDT 1999


I' would like to use the aha2940 UW Pro under linux but, when loading the
module (aic7xxx under linux-2.2.6), the kernel argues that the device is
already used:

# insmod aic7xxx
scsi : 0 hosts
/lib/modules/2.2.6/scsi/aic7xxx.o : init_module : Device or ressource

When I try to put this module in the kernel, linux discovers numerous
devices (20 hosts) which, obviously, don't work !

I looked after the options in the scsi card bios but it doesn't improve
the situation. 

I looked after /proc/interrupts to see if the 11th interrupt (interrupt of
the card) is taken but it's not !!

I tried to insmod the module with different options :
aic7xxx=irq_trigger:1 ,for example, but the kernel couldn't init the

Any ideas ??
Thanks !
Rodriguez Sébastien
srodriguez at ifrance.com

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