Adaptec 2930U2 & RH5.2

Grant Giibson grant at
Mon May 10 14:37:51 PDT 1999

Can any one sugest a method of installing RH5.2 onto a PC with the above
card. I have the RH 5.2 Box set complete with CD and installation disk.

I am aware thast there are kernel patches wich allow RH to recognise the
card but can not find anyway of applying the patches prior to installation.
I have also noted that the RH6.0 boot disk (image diownloaded from Redhat
site) recocnises the card.
I believe that what i require is a boot image which is configured /compiled
with a kenel that recognises the 2930U2 card (aic7xxx). A similar disk
image is available for the SUSE 6.0 distribution of Linux, but i have been
unable to find one for RH.

Any help would be appreciated.


grant at <mailto:grant at>

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