2940U2W Status
Metod Kozelj
metod.kozelj at rzs-hm.si
Sun Mar 7 04:23:44 PST 1999
On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Hal (DCI) wrote:
> Reboot WHAM!! we get:
> VFS: unable to mount fs 08:01
> LILO is installed at the MBR, should it be installed at another location?
This normally isn't a problem with aic driver nor LILO. The problems could
be of two kinds (that I remeber right now):
- You don't have root fs on the /dev/sda1 partition but somewhere else.
The correct partition should be in your /etc/lilo.conf in the
'root = /dev/sda1' line.
- You don't have ext2 fs driver compiled in the kernel but as a module.
It should be in the kernel.
- You don't have aic7xxx driver and scsi hd support compiled in your
kernel but as a module. It should be in the kernel
Metod Kozelj
mailto:Metod.Kozelj at rzs-hm.si /\ Ne posiljajte mi smeti ker grizem!
http://www.rzs-hm.si/ / \ Don't spam me for I bite!
_______________________________________/ \__________________________________
---- perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
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