DAT's & Asus P2B-DS Problems

Russell Brown russell at lls.lls.com
Thu Mar 4 10:20:58 PST 1999

I posted a while ago about SCSI timeouts and lockup problems when using
a Sony SDT-9000 DAT and a couple of Seagate 39102LW's on an Asus P2B-DS

Fortunately, the ASUS Adaptec BIOS thingy lets you turn off Wide & Sync
negotiation for a given device so I played with that.

Having turned down the DAT to Async, turned off disconnects and Wide
negotiation, a test system has been dd'ing 9Gb of data onto the DAT for
7 days now without a single error showing up.  Prior to those changes it
wouldn't last more than a few hours.

This is using aic7xxx 5.1.11/Linux 2.0.36 - using 5.1.6 the machine
blows itself away with a complete lockup (no console messages), both HD
lights on and, probably because of the lock, the ext2fs severely

I know that others are having similar problems so there's one way round
it if not a solution per se.

I'll start trying to isolate which config option makes the critical
difference unless Doug wants me to try anything else?

| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russell at lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800       |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.kings.demon.co.uk/         |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.kings.demon.co.uk/russell/ |

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