AHA 2910C

Eric NOULARD Eric.Noulard at prism.uvsq.fr
Fri Jun 4 14:46:23 PDT 1999

> From owner-aic7xxx at FreeBSD.ORG Fri Jun  4 20:02:52 1999
> To: AIC7xxx at FreeBSD.ORG

> Hi, I am looking for a scsi driver which is compatible with Linux.

	I think you mean SCSI adaptater and not driver?
> I saw adaptec AHA 2910C, but I can't find something about its
> compatability with linux, execpt some information about AHA 2910C in a
> readme file in Linux kernel sources.

	I have a 2910C and it worked just fine my yamaha SCSI CD-WRiter,
and a Canon SCSI Scanner.
Just remember that this card cannot be used to boot, because there
is no BIOS on it.

	Regarding the driver, I use aic7xxx iwth stock 2.0.36 or 2.2.7 kernel.


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