SCSI speed with IBM DGVS09U (8 GB) hard drive, Linux

Albert Max Lai amlai at
Sun Jan 3 12:38:38 PST 1999

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Andy Kennedy wrote:

> Jochen,
> 	I have a similar problem.  From what I understand from information
> that has been given from people on the list, you cannot have one disc
> running at 40 and another running at 10????  I have 4 UW's and 1 N and I
> have to run all of the discs at 10.

I thought that the ability to run discs at different speeds was a selling
point for Adaptec (or is that only on U2W adapers?). I have an aic-7895
onboard a Tyan 1836DLUAN with a DGVS09U that runs at 40 MB/sec, a narrow
Quantum viking running at 20 MB/sec, and a Toshiba XM-3702TA CD-ROM
running at 4.4 MB/sec. So, at least for me, it seems that you can have a
variety of speeds on a single bus (all are connected to bus 0).

Albert Lai <amlai at>           1018D East Campus
Residential Computer Consultant           411 W. 116th St.
Columbia University                       New York, NY 10027            (212)853-4854

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