aic7xxx pre13

Jeroen Massar jmassar at
Wed Oct 21 00:26:07 PDT 1998


I've been testing the pre13 driver since it was released 31st of
september... and since then
it hasn't given me any problems except:

1) On boot the 7890's bus is resetted.
    But only once so this ain't no big problem...

2) When there is only a plextor on the SE bus the scsi-led (of the bus)
which is connected to the
     onboard scsi-led for the 7890 stays lit...until I give a scsi command
(eject/mount) to the plextor.
     Does this mean it stays in a unknown/busy/... state?

This is on a Asus P2B-DS with 2*p2 266, MGA-G200 Millenium, ...

Jeroen Massar

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