Strange .

Claus Beerta claus.beerta at
Sun Oct 18 07:18:37 PDT 1998

Ok ... somebody here who can tell me how this is possible:

Maybe you've read my message about the AIC7890 Onboard SCSI, I had
the problem that whenever i have loads of disk acces, System STOPS and
is beeing reset.
I did some checks on my system, mainly the Termination stuff. The
problem was I
only Changed my MB.
I had an AIC7880 ASUS P2L97-S (Onboard SCSI), now I have my ASUS P2B-S
with AIC7890. Everything else is the same: MEM,CPU, DISKS, and
SCSI Config,
only my MB is replaced.

Now to the strange part:

After beeing completely upset by my linux + SCSI killing itself every 5
minutes, i checked
my kernel. It seemed everything O.K..
Just for joke i changed the Kernel CFG. Added every ADAPTEC SCSI Driver,

and added support for all types of SCSI Devices
recompiled everything, and voila it runs like hell. Every test i did was
ok so far.
(Copying Kernel sources from drive to drive, finding, compiling, every
type of
hard disk killing stuff)

Could somebody explain this. ?????

Just thought to post it. Maybe it helps with development...

-------------------Linux Rulez-------------------------------------
Claus Beerta                                    amg at
                                                claus.beerta at
                                        claus.beerta at

The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it
displays a dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.

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