Tekram 390 support under 3.0-Release ?

Gilles Bruno Gilles.Bruno at ujf-grenoble.fr
Thu Nov 19 03:31:17 PST 1998

Hi everyone,
i noticed this morning that the Tekram 390 scsi controllers are no more
supported under Freebsd 3.0-Release : upon adding the "old" amd0 controller
and config. my kerneln the "make depend" crash on a missing
"scsi/scsiconf.h" include which is no more included since 2.2.7-R..
I think it's a CAM related issue :
          {101}bsd:bruno grep amd0 /sys/i386/conf/LINT
          #!CAM# controller       amd0

It affected the scsi card using the AMD scsi chip.

Look's like there's some place for an add-on to the 3.0-Release errata.txt
these controllers (390,U,F,T) are cited in the 3.0-R Hardware conpatibility

PS. I switch back to my old AHA2940... still workin' like a charm...

Gilles BRUNO 
Universite Joseph Fourier - CRIP
Domaine Universitaire 38041 St Martin d'Heres FRANCE
Tel (33) 04 76 63 56 68     Fax (33) 04 76 51 42 74

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