Adaptec termination problem...

OLK delise at
Sat May 23 09:18:42 PDT 1998

Mike Bilow wrote:

>Termination is an electrical issue, having to do with the physical arrangement
>of devices on the SCSI bus.  Termination has nothing to do with the ID numbers.

In theory (ANSI X3.170A-1991) you're right, but
as an owner of a computerstore after having built up many hundreds
of x86-PC's the facts have proven the opposite ;-(
Try 2xIBM+1xConner+CDROM with AHA-2940 and you'll see only one
working :
IBM=ID0,IBM=ID1,CDROM=ID2,Conner=ID3 or higher and Terminated.
Chances are 99.9%, that all other combinations especially with one
terminated IBM-HD and other(IBM) not, will fail.
Rule of Thumb: Adaptec+IBM's+Whatever --> Desaster

Sorry Pal

bye OLK
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