AIC 7890 controller

Doug Ledford dledford at
Wed May 20 22:44:55 PDT 1998

Justin T. Gibbs wrote:
> In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.980520151029.14595C-100000 at> you wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hmm... I installed the 5.0.15 patch in my 2.1.102 kernel and tried the
> > suse-bootdisk with no luck. Then I checked the TODO, it says "Support for
> > Ultra2 cards:  Not likely in the immediate future...look for
> > this in upcoming 5.1.x driver release."... My 7890 has Ultra2,
> > does that mean no linux in my immediate future?? Should I buy a 53c875
> > controller to go with that?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Jacob
> The latest Linux driver did add aic7895 support, but that port was done
> while I was still finishing aic7890 support.  I don't know what the comment
> in the Linux driver means.  You'll have to ask the folks who will do the
> port.

It means the current 5.0.x series, in it's entirety, is simply a
bug-fix/cleanup release cycle (excluding 5.0.0, which was released
specifically to support 7895 controllers).  New controller support will be
added with 5.1.0.  There were a lot of small sections of code and little
details that needed fixed between 5.0.0 and the current driver.  I'm waiting
until the 5.0.x series is deemed finished (by me) to do the work needed to
release a 5.1.0 driver.  At current, I expect that won't be too much longer,
but it isn't here yet.


 Doug Ledford  <dledford at>
  Opinions expressed are my own, but
     they should be everybody's.

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