Adaptec AIC7890 chip support on ASUS P2B-LS MB
george at
Fri Jul 10 16:33:46 PDT 1998
Unfortunately, I am out of home for the next 10 days. With the pace the
driver is beiong developed, it seems that by the time I get home all the
issues will be ironed out. I have Fujitsu Fast-Wide HDD , Plextor 32x CD-ROM
and Yamaha CD-burner as my SCSI devices. I wonder if the HDD will be visible
with the WIDE support disabled?
Many thanks for your reply.
Travis Oliphant wrote:
> George,
> I have the same motherboard with a SCSI drive and I just got it to
> work. I have been trying for the past week to get
> it to work. Currently, the support for the AIC7890 chipset is in the
> pre-release stage. Doug Leford is the maintainer at
> There is a 7890-Status file and
> a testing directory where you can get patches against a "clean" 2.0.34
> kernel (i.e. the RedHat kernel-source-2.0.34-1.i386.rpm which already has
> patches applied may give you some "already applied" messages during
> patching).
> I got it to work following the advice of a previous message on this
> mailing list: disable the SCSI BIOS and the Wide Negotiation on the
> channels with devices --- using regular BIOS Setup and Ctrl-A SCSI device
> setup at boot time. Then, I patched the kernel with Doug's pre1 and pre2
> patches and recompiled with SCSI support built in to the kernel.
> The system is booting off of a small 212MB IDE hard drive. As it booted
> it recognized the controller and then the drive and I've had a working
> drive all day... Hooray!! I don't think it can run at full 80MB/s
> transfer rates, but then again the hard drive is not nearly that fast, so
> it's not a problem.
> Now we'll see if I can get the system to boot off of the SCSI drive...
> Let me know if you need further advice. Good luck.
> Travis Oliphant
> On Fri, 10 Jul 1998, George Vicherek wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Got that beautiful ASUS P2B-LS motherboard with integrated Adaptec
> > AIC7890 chip on board. Anyone developing driver for that one? Any
> > advices on modifications of the existing AIC7895 driver?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > George
> >
> >
> >
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