Question about cabling.

Rob Browning rlb at
Fri Feb 6 09:51:57 PST 1998

"Daniel M. Eischen" <deischen at> writes:

> OK, OK, what is supplying the termination power?  The drives or is
> it coming from the bus?  I normally set the jumpers so the 
> terminating drive(s) supply the termination power.  Also, if
> you've can, try using another set of cables.

The termination power is coming from the drive in both cases, and I
actually did try a different cable on the narrow side (a shorter one).
The shorter narrow cable seemed to make the problem occur less often,
but the system still locks up within a few uses of the wide drive.  I
don't have another wide cable, but the one I have is supposed to be a
good one (although it's a bit long).

I was wondering if putting all the drives on the wide cable via
(non-terminating) adapters, leaving the wide drive to terminate the
end, might help, since it would eliminate the narrow cable altogether,
and shorten the bus.

Thanks again.

Rob Browning <rlb at>
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