aic7895 motherboard support

Doug Ledford dledford at
Fri Dec 19 03:16:17 PST 1997

On 19-Dec-97 Joerg Dubbert wrote:
>On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Doug Ledford wrote:
>> I'm currently working on it.....Justin already has it working under
>> and I'm doing a partial port of his new CAM code to linux in order to get
>> going.
>That's good news. Any time estimate possible?
>Actually I wanted to start building my computer over X-mas ;-)

The time depends on how much of the code I port over.  The new CAM layer
kernel code I don't need to port at all since it isn't part of the driver,
but that also means that significant chunks of the driver won't get ported
either for that same reason.  Currently, I'm planning on taking the
sequencer code wholesale, then grabbing the code I need for the interrupt
service routines, grabbing the mods needed in the aic7xxx_host struct, plus
I've got to revamp a *lot* of little places here and there in the code that
had assumed the TARGET_INDEX(cmd) would always be < 16, since it now has to
be < 32 with the 7985 chipset.  Gotta re-vamp the queue mechanism and some
other things here and there as well.  All in all, it will take a little
time, but I don't really think it will take all that long.  I expect to
possibly have the first run of the port sometime around Christmas assuming
other things don't keep me busy :)

E-Mail: Doug Ledford <dledford at>
Date: 19-Dec-97
Time: 05:09:14

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