Linked commands and relative addressing

Dejan Ilic svedja at
Mon Aug 25 14:53:16 PDT 1997

 I'm bringing up an old question.

 If I remember correctly from previous explanation on this channel
 "linked commands" (LC) and "tagged queuing" (TQ) has about the same

 Now all my harddisks support TQ but not LC. The problem is that I have a
 toshiba 15x drive that does the opposite. It supports LC but not TQ.
 Beside that is supports so called "relative addressing". Any way of using
 these features to get optimal performance out of the drive ?

Dejan Ilic, Tech Univ. of Linkoping, Sweden   Phone: +46-13-473 01 06
Email: svedja at   Web:

 "I may look like The Devil but i'm an angel deep down in my heart"
       [finger -l svedja at for public PGP key]

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