Re: Panel window buttons row size

From: Guido Falsi <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:48:40 UTC
On 09/01/23 16:49, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> Hello.
> I've been using XFCE for a long time and I've always had a bottom panel 
> with "Windows Buttons" on two rows.
> I.e.:
> Having panel preference: display: row size = 50, number of rows=1,
> there were always two rows of windows buttons.
> A couple of days ago, I moved from port branch 2022Q4 to 2023Q1, which 
> brought XFCE 4.18 in.
> Now windows button are laid in a single row, unless I increase row size 
> to at least 64.
> I *think* this is due to icon size being too big.
> Is there a way to get this back as it was before?
> I searched, but found no way.

I have noticed bigger icons also in the launcher application. It does 
not bother me too much though, so I did not investigate.

In my case the icons are the same size, but they have bigger margins. 
That could be what triggers one row in your case.

This is definitely an upstream change though, since nothing was changed 
in the ports with the updates, except for version numbers and some minor 
ports Makefile details.

Its difficult to single out the upstream change that could have caused 
this, but this one looks related:

Anyway these buttons are created using GTK3, so the theme in use could 
be influencing the size. ALso this means you could try customizing 
button size, padding and margin via gtk3 customizations, which work 
similar to CSS.

These posts, while not describing exactly your issue, could give you an 
idea of what you could do to change sizes to fit your needs:

> (Not sure this is a question to be asked here or on XFCE's mailing 
> lists; I'll eventually move).

For details on how to configure xfce panel and its plugins you'll need 
to ask the xfce guys. They definitely know how their code works better 
than me.

Guido Falsi <>